Programming Tips - I want to use a Windows control in my application but don't want the

Date: 2010jan13 OS: Windows Q. I want to use a Windows control in my application but don't want the hassle of installing in the registry that an OLE / ActiveX control requires. What can I do? A. A custom common control may work for you. With this type of control in your resource (.rc) file like this:
CONTROL "", IDC_MY_CONTROL, "MyControl", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 10, 100, 100
Then in your code before you create the dialog you need to instantiate a class called "MyControl" with RegisterClass(). Use UnregisterClass() when you control is no longer needed. You class has to have a procedure that implements your control. Your control can live in the same EXE (or DLL) as your dialog code. This is a very nice lightweight way to make a control. There are lots of tutorials