Date: 2013aug30
Product: Boinc
OS: Linux
Keywords: SETI, SETI@Home
Q. How do I set a headless up SETI@home on Fedora
A. Install it:
dnf install boinc-client
(For a headless setup boinc-manager isn't needed)
Start the service:
systemctl start boinc-client
You need to change to the boinc user's home folder to use boinccmd
cd ~boinc
Make an account:
boinccmd --create_account <email> <password> '<name>'
Find your key:
boinccmd --lookup_account <email> <password>
Use the key to attach to the project:
boinccmd --project_attach <key>
It should now start working, show what its doing:
boinccmd --get_tasks