Computer Tips - CentOS: Convert from Centos 8 to Centos Stream 9

Date: 2022feb3 Q. CentOS: Convert from Centos 8 to Centos Stream 9 A. With a browser visit and download:
centos-gpg-keys-9.0-9.el9.noarch.rpm centos-stream-release-9.0-9.el9.noarch.rpm centos-stream-repos-9.0-9.el9.noarch.rpm
As root, remove the old packages
rpm -e --nodeps centos-linux-gpg-keys centos-release centos-repos
As root, install the packages you just downloaded:
rpm -Uvh centos*.rpm
Then do a big update:
dnf --allowerasing update
This worked for me but probably isn't the official way.