#!/bin/sh certbot certonly -n --webroot -w /htdocs/example1 --cert-name example1.com -d example1.com,www.example1.com certbot certonly -n --webroot -w /htdocs/example2 --cert-name example2.com -d example2.com,www.example2.comOptions: -n: Not interactive --webroot: Place files in the document root of an already running server -w: The document root (where to place the files) --cert-name: the folder in /etc/letsencrypt/live to store it -d: The domains, comma seperated
Computer Tips - Certbot: there is no Apache plugin for CentOS 9 Stream
Date: 2022jun11
Update: 2024sep9
Language: bash
Q. Certbot: there is no Apache plugin for CentOS 9 Stream
A. Luckily you don't need it to renew.
Running this script weekly works for me.
Using --webroot is better than --standalone because it doesn't require
stopping the Apache server.