Date: 2012dec19
Keywords: self-hosted
Q. Are there any alternatives to Dropbox?
A. Some people call it Cloud Storage.
With Dropbox, you get 2GB for free or 50GB for $10 a month.
It has clients for all platforms.
You place a file in a folder on one device and it shows up
in the same folder on another device - that's the magic.
There are lots of choices:
Microsoft Live Mesh
- You get 5GB for free (which is more than Dropbox)
- In my testing, it slowed down the computer
- Windows only
- Cheaper than Dropbox
You get 5GB for free and the other other prices are better too.
- Can you select which folders to sync (Dropbox only does one).
But this makes it a bit confusing.
- Every platform
- In my testing, it worked OK on Windows but was a bit heavy on
- Uses your own Amazon (or Rackspace) S3 account.
Which means 15 cents per GB.
- They charge $2/month for the using the program.
- Desktop platforms only. So looks you'll need something else for
- Looks to be the leading open source competitor
- You can run it on your own server - with huge disk
- Included as a regular package in Linux distros
- Open source
- Written in C# so requires Mono on Linux
- They have plans for all platforms but only Linux and Mac now
- Uses git as a backend which is bad for binary files.
But backends are plugable so that may change.
- You don't have to pay for a server if you already have one
- Your existing webhost may already do ftp.
- Windows only
- I like that it uses open protocols
- In my testing, it didn't work every well. I assume it will improve.
- An old classic.
- Not easy to setup.
- Sync is one way
- You can use it with but that's not cheap
- This is what I use for backup.
More info,review-1539.html