Date: 2014may23
OS: FreeBSD 10
Q. How can I get a nice graphical desktop environment for FreeBSD 10?
(The docs I found out there say to use gnome2 which does seem to exist in the
packages) Including a graphical login.
A. Gnome has been replaced with Mate.
This worked for me...
Do this as root:
pkg install mate slim xorg
mate = the replacement for gnome
slim = the login manager
xorg = X Windows
Its also useful to install these packages which have commonly used programs.
But I suggest installing it later since its big:
pkg install gnome2-fifth-toe firefox
gnome2-fifth-toe = commonly used desktop programs
firefox = web browser
Modify /etc/rc.conf:
Modify ~/.xinitrc for the non-root users:
exec mate-session
Add /proc to /etc/fstab:
proc /proc procfs rw 0 0
Finally, restart:
After some text you should see the slim graphical login screen.
With slim, you can enter username "halt" and the root password to shutdown cleanly.
I tried the gdm login manager but after login it displayed a wristwatch icon
for the pointer. And I could not move windows.