Computer Tips - Linux: no-code terminal clocks

Date: 2024jun27 Language: bash Q. Linux: no-code terminal clocks A. Run any of these in in the terminal to get a clock that updates every second
watch -n 1 'banner `date +%T`'
watch -n 1 'date +%T | figlet'
watch -n 1 'date +%T | figlet -f big'
watch -n 1 'date +%T | figlet -f lean'
The first outputs:
Every 1.0s: banner `date +%T` machine: date # ##### ### # # #### ### #### ### ## # ### # # # ## ### # ## # # # # # ### # # # # # ### # # # # # # ##### ##### # # # # # # ### # # ### # ## # ### ## # # # # # ### # # # ### # # # # ##### ##### ### # #### ### #### ###
The third outputs this:
Every 1.0s: date +%T | figlet -f big machine: date __ _____ ____ ___ __ __ /_ | ____||___ \ / _ \ /_ /_ | | | |__(_) __) | (_) (_) || | | |___ \ |__ < > _ < | || | | |___) | ___) | (_) |_| || | |_|____(_)____/ \___/(_)_||_|