Date: 2018jul24
OS: Linux
Q. Linux: Where does the time go when my system boots?
A. If your distro is systemd-based (most are now) you can do:
systemd-analyze blame
Example output:
4.461s dovecot.service
2.724s dracut-initqueue.service
756ms upower.service
639ms udisks2.service
637ms mariadb.service
552ms postfix.service
486ms dnf-makecache.service
483ms lvm2-monitor.service
417ms initrd-switch-root.service
415ms systemd-udev-settle.service
364ms unbound-anchor.service
350ms ModemManager.service
329ms firewalld.service
316ms dev-sda1.device
253ms chronyd.service
245ms lm_sensors.service
241ms avahi-daemon.service
233ms rtkit-daemon.service
205ms plymouth-quit.service
It has lots of other cool options, like graphing, see the man page