Computer Tips - How do I make a Linux service (daemon) start at boot?

Date: 2008apr4 OS: Linux Distro: RedHat/Fedora/CentOS Level: Beginner Warning: obsolete, applies to SysV init only Q. How do I make a Linux service (daemon) start at boot? A. Here are the basic RedHat/Fedora/CentOS daemon commands. Make a service start every time at boot and start it now:
chkconfig --level 2345 <myservice> on systemctl start <myservice>
Where <myservice> is your service, eg httpd Make a service no longer start at boot and stop now:
chkconfig --level 123456 <myservice> off systemctl stop <myservice>
See if a service will start at boot:
chkconfig --list <myservice>
There is also a GUI.