Computer Tips - How can I get GPG working with Thunderbird?

Date: 2004Dec7 Update: 2010jan21 Product: Thunderbird OS: Windows Q. How can I get GPG working with Thunderbird? A. Here's what I did: - Downloaded GPG for Windows and unzipped in c:\Program Files\gpg - Used regedit to set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GNU\GnuPG\HomeDir to c:\docs\keys - Imported my PGP settings:
cd c:\Program Files\gpg gpg --import < "c:\docs\PGP Keyrings\pubring.pkr" gpg --import < "c:\docs\PGP Keyrings\secring.skr"
- Download Enigmail to c:\temporary - Installed with Thunderbird's Tools - Extensions - Restart Thunderbird - Back at Tools - Extensions set the path to gpg.exe - Send a test mail to myself - Sent a test mail to a friend