Computer Tips - Is there a safe way to try out Linux?

Date: 2003Mar3 Update: 2010jan21 Update: 2018nov7 Q. Is there a safe way to try out Linux? A. Use a Virtual Machine. VMWare and Virtual Box are the major ones. Install those on your Windows (or Mac) computers and then install Linux in there. Here are some other ways... Knoppix Download the CD-ROM image and burn. Then boot with it. It does NOT write anything on your harddrive. It detects all your hardware and launches you into a Linux environment! When you are done, remove the CD-ROM and boot then you are back in Windows. (If you don't want to download and burn you can order from Workspot For this one your don't even have to burn a CD or reboot! Just go there in your web browser. You have to pay a bit but you get a virtual Linux desktop in your browser. Very cool, I think. There's an article about it here The OpenCD Download and burn. Its not Linux but high quality open source software for Windows. Most of the programs are also available for Linux. Or the regular route...get a major distribution. I prefer Red Hat Can be set up to dual boot with Windows. Windowish distros include Linspire (formerly Lindows), Xandros (formerly Corel), Lycoris (formerly Redmond Linux).