Date: 2014mar11
Product: Jetty
Q. What is the format of Jetty request log?
And how can I change it?
A. The request log is in <jetty-home>/logs/YYYY_MM_DD.request.log
A typical line looks like this: - - [11/Mar/2014:14:11:17 +0000] "GET /mysite/mypage.ext HTTP/1.1" 200 1800
The fields are the:
<host> <user-logname> <authuser> [<timestamp>] "<method> <uri> <protocol>" <status-code> <bytes>
This is NCSA format
The format is partly configured in <jetty-home>/etc/jetty-requestlog.xml
There are some options in there - eg filenameDateFormat, retainDays, extended.
They are the easy way to make changes.
If you want to radically change something, the class that makes the log is that file. By default it is:
But you can make your own class.