Computer Tips - Windows: log handles in use every hour

Date: 2024may1 Language: PowerShell Author: GPT-3.5 Turbo - but I tested it Q. Windows: log handles in use every hour A. To log the number of handles in use on Windows every hour, you can create a script using PowerShell. Here's a simple example script that you can use:
$LogFilePath = "C:\Path\To\Your\Log\File.txt" while ($true) { $Handles = (Get-Process | Measure-Object -Property Handles -Sum).Sum $Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" $LogEntry = "$Date - Handles in use: $Handles" Add-Content -Path $LogFilePath -Value $LogEntry Start-Sleep -Seconds 3600 # Sleep for 1 hour }
In this script: - Replace `"C:\Path\To\Your\Log\File.txt"` with the actual path where you want to save the log file. - The script will run indefinitely, logging the number of handles in use every hour. - It uses the `Get-Process` cmdlet to get the handles of all processes and sums them up. - The script then appends a line to the log file with the current date and time along with the number of handles in use. - It then sleeps for 1 hour before repeating the process. You can run this script in a PowerShell window or save it as a `.ps1` file and run it using Task Scheduler to automate the logging process.