Date: 2017feb24
OS: Windows 8.x
Q. How can I make Windows update the time more frequently?
A. The Short Answer:
Use RegEdit to decrease the MaxPollInternval
MaxPollInterval = 15 (default)
Longer Answer:
It will check at most 2 ^ MaxPollInterval seconds.
So if you want it to check more frequently decrease the number.
I made a handy table for you:
MaxPollInterval Seconds
15 32768
14 16384
13 8192
12 4096
11 2048
10 1024
9 512
8 256
7 128
6 64 (Don't go this low)
5 32
4 16
I tested this on a Windows 8.1 box.
This info its mostly from here. I simplified it. And its from 2008 so I checked it.