Programming Tips - C/C++: Get the julian date / get the week of the year

Date: 2021dec30 Language: C/C++ Level: beginner Q. C/C++: Get the julian date / get the week of the year A. The julian date (Nth day of the year) is in the `tm stuct':
#include <time.h> int JulianDate() { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm here; localtime_r(&now, &here); return here.tm_yday; }
The week of the year is not in there but you can use strftime():
int WeekOfYear() { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm here; char buf[100]; localtime_r(&now, &here); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%U", &here); // Or you may prefer %V return atoi(buf); }
int NanosecondsOfEpoc() { }