Programming Tips
- 2018.sep.14 Is there any free alternative to Google Maps?
- 2013.may.24 How can I access the developer settings?
- 2011.apr.05 Android: access various resources in my app
- 2015.mar.09 How can I use adb over Ethernet?
- 2013.feb.28 How can I avoid hardcoding log tags?
- 2015.jul.22 I can do I encode and decode base64 on Android?
- 2017.feb.06 On Android, can a bitmap be a brush?
- 2017.mar.08 Android: horizontally center a TextView
- 2017.mar.08 How can I center two views?
- 2020.jul.25 Android: clear button beside EditText [X]
- 2014.jul.07 How do I create a Uri class from a String?
- 2016.jun.16 How can I display a quick popup message?
- 2015.jul.24 When I try to use jna for Android I get this:
- 2020.jun.18 Android: Does a key exist in SharedPreferences
- 2015.sep.02 What's an example file look like?
- 2020.oct.26 Android 11: external storage permissions
- 2018.apr.23 FILL_PARENT is depreciated?
- 2017.feb.21 How can I find the second sdcard?
- 2020.jun.18 Android: full screen dialog
- 2021.nov.06 Android: get the *best* IP-Address for a device
- 2019.apr.26 Android: what installed my app?
- 2021.mar.17 Android: get running processes
- 2015.jul.30 Android: get the text from an EditText widget
- 2015.sep.23 What image viewer library should I use?
- 2015.jul.27 How do I use the Android NDK?
- 2018.aug.17 Android: how can I keep track of my app's users?
- 2018.oct.13 Android: methods for controlling layering
- 2016.aug.23 How can I list the pending AlarmManager alarms?
- 2018.nov.17 ListView is depreciated
- 2020.jul.09 Android: make a thumbnail bitmap of a video file
- 2019.dec.24 Android: How can I manage two very similar apps?
- 2017.sep.21 How can I manually download Google APIs?
- 2018.aug.09 Android: MediaPlayer vs ExoPlayer
- 2014.jul.07 Android: What is the minimal ExoPlayer use?
- 2017.may.16 What is the minimum Android Fragment?
- 2017.aug.18 How can schedule non-time critical tasks?
- 2020.sep.12 Android: display a notification
- 2020.jul.27 Android: privacy policy generator for my app
- 2017.apr.12 "R cannot be resolved to a variable" - why?
- 2020.jul.10 Android: rotate a JPG image based on EXIF info
- 2015.may.13 Java: How can I do a screenshot from Java code?
- 2015.may.11 How can I do a screenshot from the command line?
- 2016.jul.18 How can I see the Android alarms that are set?
- 2017.jan.19 How can I make a file or folder world readable?
- 2018.mar.09 Can you set the Spinner mode in layout xml?
- 2020.apr.28 Android: use reflection to call View.setZ()
- 2020.nov.07 Android: Use SSLSocket as client (eg https)
- 2018.aug.22 Android: State Color for a custom Spinner
- 2017.apr.05 Are some stock icons I can use for menu items?
- 2017.apr.03 How can I include a local .jar with gradle?
- 2022.oct.20 Android Studio: Run 'app' disabled
- 2020.sep.23 Android: translucent dialog background
- 2018.jul.13 Android: UI for a dynamic list?
- 2023.may.01 Android upgrade to API 31 issues.
- 2019.dec.05 Android: programmatically get uptime
- 2018.aug.14 fill_parent vs. match_parent
- 2019.may.30 How can I verify a apk
- 2018.jul.13 Android: When should I use PrecomputedText ?
- 2014.mar.11 What can't my app read files?
- 2016.aug.22 How do I write to the SD card?
- 2018.nov.14 Class names when Migrating to AndroidX
- 2014.jun.17 How do I copy a file to a folder?
- 2014.oct.28 ant: junit from Ant
- 2018.may.25 Eclipse: javac1.8 not found
- 2014.dec.22 Ant: use Apache Ant to restart a service
- 2019.apr.16 Apache: write a debug message to the error log
- 2020.oct.06 API Aggregators
- 2009.sep.11 How do you install the Arduino IDE on Fedora?
- 2009.sep.14 How can I use an Arduino to control a 9V motor?
- 2009.sep.11 How do I connect an output LED to the Arduino?
- 2010.apr.08 How can I avoid MS VC++ warning C4311:
- 2023.apr.07 Bash: change a script's command line
- 2023.apr.06 Bash: check file permissions
- 2021.nov.04 bash: check if output is a tty
- 2023.aug.21 Bash: loop from 1 to 10 (counting for-loop)
- 2016.nov.07 bash: How should I declare a constant in bash?
- 2020.oct.22 bash: dos2unix command
- 2020.jun.11 bash: get file age (in days)
- 2022.jul.05 bash: get help for a specific builtin command
- 2023.aug.18 Bash: here document
- 2016.mar.06 bash: How can I increment a variable in a loop?
- 2023.jun.07 Bash: a script to see if its hot outside
- 2012.sep.16 bash: How can I do a simple menu in bash?
- 2020.oct.22 bash: unix2dos command
- 2012.aug.26 Java: the basic Java commands / tutorial
- 2014.dec.09 Best practices when updating a shared .ini file?
- 2018.jun.15 Bootstrap 3 to 4
- 2018.sep.07 Bootstrap4: How do I use Fontawesome?
- 2020.mar.25 Bootstrap4: right-justify a navbar item
- 2018.jun.15 Bootstrap4: Example modal dialog
- 2019.jul.25 Bootstrap: get major version
- 2018.oct.31 Bootstrap: hide on extra small devices
- 2019.jul.22 Bootstrap 4: Listen for dialog close
- 2021.mar.25 Bootstrap: make something monospace
- 2015.jun.13 How can I rotate a built-in glyphicon?
- 2020.dec.30 C/C++: big number libraries
- 2015.aug.19 C/C++: Convert a HTTP status number into a range
- 2015.apr.23 C/C++: convert a string into a float
- 2010.jan.19 How can I quickly make a nice timestamp string?
- 2011.jun.25 C/C++: encode a file name to be a URL
- 2014.oct.23 What is a fast way to initialize a bool array ?
- 2014.oct.10 How can I generate a random number in a range?
- 2015.sep.04 How can I get the current time in milliseconds?
- 2013.dec.19 How can I get the extension of a filename?
- 2000.jun.14 C/C++: gets() isn't safe - here's a replacement
- 2018.apr.26 C/C++ read a line from a text file?
- 2015.may.30 C: Is C regex useful?
- 2014.dec.03 Plain C: replace a string in a string
- 2023.mar.29 C/C++: Set the timezone for the current process
- 2018.may.14 C/C++: How do I display the 4-digit year?
- 2022.aug.21 C/C++: SSL/TLS libraries
- 2007.nov.17 C: remove the leading whitespace from a string
- 2009.mar.30 C: remove trailing space from a string
- 2014.oct.25 How can I fix these errors from gcc:
- 1998.jan.20 C/C++: When is tomorrow?
- 2011.jul.07 C++:: how to call a pointer to a member function
- 2012.feb.17 Can I do mmap() on Android with Java?
- 2012.jul.06 Can my webapp access a phone user's contacts?
- 2009.oct.13 What has changed in Windows Vista?
- 2020.jul.08 clang-format: how to run it
- 2005.jun.01 What should a typical C++ class look like?
- 2011.apr.28 perl: How can I compact/shrink perl code?
- 2015.apr.20 C/C++: convert a std::map iterator to a pointer
- 2014.sep.26 Win32: turn a Windows error number into a string
- 2021.may.11 C/C++: ASCII Spinner
- 2008.may.06 C++: How can I use auto_ptr
- 2018.oct.01 C++ Intro to Concepts
- 2022.nov.19 C/C++: Find the day of the week
- 2023.aug.01 C++: Initialize a std::vector on the stack
- 2020.jan.14 C++: is a buffer a PNG or JPEG?
- 2021.feb.16 C/C++: Calculate Mean Deviation
- 2023.oct.25 C++: make a change in a `const` member
- 2004.mar.14 What's new in C++ ?
- 2015.may.31 C/C++: Wrapper class for PCRE
- 2015.may.31 C/C++: How can I do thread's on Linux
- 2018.nov.16 How should I quote a regular expression in C++
- 2014.oct.07 How can I read a text file using ifstream?
- 2009.may.26 C/C++: a simple and fast strlen() implementation
- 2016.aug.11 How can I avoid pop()ing an empty std::stack ?
- 2024.jan.22 C++ std::string startsWith
- 2010.mar.15 C/C++: How do I use strtok_r() ?
- 2018.nov.24 C++: best general purpose smart pointers ?
- 2014.sep.26 Win32: make a timestamp in Windows
- 2010.mar.19 Win32: How do I use WinExec() ?
- 2004.aug.22 What's the best way (in win32) to clear memory?
- 2018.nov.23 Cross platform desktop GUI framework
- 2019.jun.24 Cross platform multimedia libraries
- 2018.nov.23 Cross platform phone GUI framework
- 2014.jun.19 C#: Call a regular Win32 DLL
- 2022.jan.18 C#: case-insensitive string compare
- 2019.oct.31 C#: CGI application
- 2012.jul.19 C#: Get yesterday's date
- 2012.jul.19 C#: Get my program's version
- 2022.jan.11 C#: case-insensitive strstr()
- 2018.nov.04 css: What does !important mean?
- 2020.jun.17 Flexbox: scrolling child with unknown height
- 2020.apr.10 css: Here is a way to do max-font-size
- 2021.jul.20 Web: nice font-family for web page
- 2020.aug.07 CSS: style all kinds of buttons the same way
- 2017.aug.28 MFC: What does CTreeCtrl::GetChildItem() do?
- 2012.apr.08 How can my program background itself?
- 2006.nov.06 How was Dave's Brain implemented?
- 2008.aug.26 What's the .def file for an .ocx look like?
- 2021.oct.09 Detect unfiltered internet access
- 2013.oct.09 Can I detect IE11 from its user agent string?
- 2012.may.14 How can I drain a LinkedBlockingQueue?
- 2008.apr.02 What's the most far-out C programming thing?
- 2008.oct.05 What's an easy way to get started with JSON?
- 2009.jul.22 Can you explain Object-Oriented javaScript?
- 2013.feb.16 Can I get Eclipse to save before builds?
- 2018.mar.10 Eclipse: how can I disable "Dead Code" warnings?
- 2018.jul.31 Eclipse: Create a linked source folder
- 2010.jun.03 Eclipse: How do I rename a Java source file?
- 2018.aug.10 Where does Eclipse keep the .class files?
- 2021.oct.25 Programmatically find my external IP-address
- 2018.jun.20 Fail2ban: list full status
- 2020.jul.03 Fedora: Install the Prolog programming language
- 2021.jan.14 Firefox: See a webpage's storage use
- 2020.mar.24 Fontawesome: smallest size for website
- 2016.mar.15 What's a good way to decide what to cache?
- 2019.dec.27 Free icons for apps / websites
- 2017.sep.03 Why does Functional Programming matter?
- 2020.dec.20 gcc: compile a 32-bit program on a 64-bit system
- 2022.dec.22 gdiplus: display monochrome emoji
- 2022.jun.07 gdiplus: display opaque text
- 2009.jan.12 gdiplus: Load a GDI+ bitmap from memory?
- 2015.apr.27 gdiplus: right align text with GDI+
- 2021.mar.23 gdiplus: rotate an image around its center
- 2015.apr.22 gdiplus: use GDI+ without MFC or ATL?
- 2019.nov.02 General title case
- 2011.sep.30 How do I obtain the ID of the current process?
- 2019.mar.30 Main git commands
- 2020.nov.17 git: graphical user interface (GUI) for git
- 2018.apr.15 gnuplot: make a simple line graph
- 2019.sep.11 Go Language: Example CGI program
- 2019.sep.21 Go: Disable/trigger garbage collection
- 2018.feb.28 How can I make a useful bug report?
- 2018.dec.21 Graphviz Dot: make an edge bidirectional
- 2017.oct.05 What are some things to cleanup for html5?
- 2019.nov.11 html input type=file accept files by extension
- 2017.oct.19 Why isn't my button looking like a button?
- 2015.jun.15 How can I put a box in the corner?
- 2015.dec.23 How can I make a nice looking box in html?
- 2022.nov.19 html: Toggle showing/hidding of an element
- 2018.dec.19 html Unicode for play/pause mediamedia symbols
- 2016.aug.05 How can I hide web elements?
- 2014.jun.05 How can I make my webpage mobile-friendly?
- 2012.apr.15 Why aren't my round corners working in IE9?
- 2014.jan.08 Why isn't checked working in Firefox?
- 2001.dec.03 What's more secure, HTTP's GET or POST?
- 2014.feb.21 C/C++: initialize a struct to zero
- 2013.jun.06 Is that pixel dark or light?
- 2015.jun.10 Jam: How can I do target-specific compile flags?
- 2011.apr.08 Java: How do I append to a Java array?
- 2016.mar.19 Java: Best way to copy a binary file in Java
- 2013.apr.30 Java: Best way to make a Java thread
- 2013.aug.26 Java: Simple case insensitive string replace
- 2012.nov.02 Java: Best way to concatenate two ArrayLists
- 2012.jun.20 Java: Convert a string into tokens
- 2012.feb.10 Java: Convert a byte array to/from a String?
- 2012.feb.10 Java: Convert a byte to an int or long
- 2016.may.20 Java: Best way to convert a float to an int
- 2012.nov.08 Java: Convert a HashSet into an ArrayList
- 2015.jul.17 Java: Convert a hex string into binary data
- 2014.dec.16 Java: Nice way to convert a String to title case
- 2016.jun.08 Java: quick way to make a copy of an ArrayList
- 2014.apr.28 Java: Display the time with am/pm
- 2022.dec.06 Java: download a webpage
- 2012.aug.28 Java: dump the environment variables
- 2016.mar.22 Java: Is there an easy way to do a DNS lookup?
- 2014.mar.25 Java: Best way to enumerate a HashSet
- 2012.aug.01 Java: get the full and basename of a File object
- 2023.aug.28 Java `final` vs C++ `const`
- 2013.sep.27 Java: Get the average of an ArrayList of colors
- 2013.aug.30 Java: Format a number with two decimal places
- 2011.nov.04 Java: Generate a random integer in a range
- 2014.dec.02 Java: generate a UUID (Universal Unique ID)
- 2021.jul.15 Java: get colors from BufferedImage
- 2016.apr.08 Java: get the current time in milliseconds
- 2014.jun.03 Java: Easy way to get the current year
- 2014.dec.29 Java: get the creation date/time of a file?
- 2016.jan.07 Java: get a file's size (in bytes)
- 2019.mar.21 Java: get id of current thread
- 2019.dec.16 Java: Get remote IP-address of a Socket
- 2016.oct.21 Java: get started with the JavaFX GUI in Eclipse
- 2023.jan.19 Java: get supported SSL/TLS protocols
- 2019.mar.21 Java: Get system temporary folder
- 2015.sep.17 Java: Get the date of tomorrow
- 2021.jul.26 Java: Grow/Shrink AWT Rectangle by percentage
- 2018.may.23 Java: Places to host a Java website
- 2013.dec.18 Java: Get the status from an HttpResponse
- 2021.oct.19 Java: Simple https server
- 2020.aug.04 Java: Initialize immutable Map in Java8
- 2012.sep.22 Java: best way to initialize an array of a class
- 2011.mar.30 Java: How to initialize an array
- 2012.sep.22 Java: How can I initialize a HashMap ?
- 2012.sep.23 Java: Nice way to initialize a HashSet
- 2019.jun.20 Java: format date/time as ISO 8601 with 'T'
- 2012.may.23 Java: Write an ispunct() in Java
- 2013.mar.02 Java: Is there an isspace(c) in Java (as in C)?
- 2013.nov.07 Java: How can I iterate through a String?
- 2020.dec.08 Java: iterate thru an EnumerationString
- 2019.apr.12 Java: change leading spaces in a string to tabs
- 2020.oct.04 Java: let user download a file (from a website)
- 2017.feb.06 Java: How can I read/write more image formats?
- 2016.apr.13 Java: How do I lock a file in Java?
- 2022.jun.11 Java: simple logging utility
- 2018.nov.14 Java: make hashCode
- 2016.nov.17 Java: Make a nice timestamp
- 2022.sep.22 Java: make a MD5 hash (digest)
- 2024.nov.07 Java: convert nanoTime() to currentTimeMillis()
- 2012.apr.16 Java: Best way to parse a variable=value pair
- 2013.aug.30 Java: What collections do you prefer?
- 2019.may.06 Java: Pretty IP-address for display
- 2014.oct.09 Java: Programatically make a stack trace
- 2015.mar.30 Java: Quickly save a data structure to disk
- 2019.dec.10 Java: read and parse a CSV file
- 2019.mar.15 Java: How do I read in "network" order?
- 2015.nov.17 Java: Test if 2 rectangles intersect
- 2012.sep.11 Java: Do reflect on a static Java class?
- 2021.dec.17 Java: How to represent money
- 2014.apr.01 Java: How do I use java.util.Scanner ?
- 2013.apr.07 Java: How can I send a file to a command?
- 2015.nov.10 Java: Best way to send a message to a thread
- 2018.oct.11 Java: Serialize an object to a file
- 2013.nov.22 Java: A basic Java servlet (example)
- 2013.mar.27 Java: How I can a Java Servlet get the referrer?
- 2013.may.23 Java: How can my Servlet return JSON?
- 2022.oct.12 Java: make a SHA-256 hash (digest)
- 2014.dec.15 Java: Very simple way to read an .ini file
- 2012.apr.10 Java: Nice way to split a String into lines
- 2011.may.30 Java: split a string into English words?
- 2013.feb.05 Java: How can I use StreamTokenizer on a String?
- 2017.dec.08 Java: How can I covert a String to/from an enum?
- 2019.mar.08 Java: StringBuilder set content
- 2012.jun.08 Java: How can I do:
- 2012.oct.17 Java: How can I do a "touch" in Java?
- 2014.oct.29 Java: How do I use junit in my code?
- 2012.feb.28 Java: How can I do a C/C++ style void * in Java?
- 2021.jan.18 Java: recursively find files in a tree
- 2017.dec.20 Java: Which Java Web Framework should I use?
- 2014.may.05 Java: How is the INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE defined?
- 2020.sep.06 Java: make a file world readable (chmod 666)
- 2008.oct.05 Can you do AJAX without jquery?
- 2019.mar.02 javaScript: call a callback function
- 2018.oct.10 javaScript: nice library for drawing line graphs
- 2014.jan.17 How can I check if a filename is xml?
- 2020.mar.30 javaScript: check syntax on the command line
- 2021.dec.17 javaScript: clear an html file input
- 2019.jul.24 jQueryUI / Bootstrap: close a modal dialog
- 2022.dec.16 javaScript: append two arrays together
- 2016.may.10 javaScript: convert a Blob to a File
- 2020.mar.17 Javascript: detect if you are inside an iframe
- 2010.may.04 javaScript: display the current local time
- 2009.jun.23 javaScript: How can I find out of a file exists
- 2018.apr.04 javaScript: what's an easy way to log an object?
- 2022.jun.28 Javascript: format date/time for display
- 2009.dec.28 How can I get the current URL?
- 2023.jan.26 javaScript: get first character in a string
- 2020.jan.09 javaScript: get querystring (URL) parameter
- 2010.sep.02 How can I show/hide a select's options ?
- 2017.jan.08 javaScript: How can I pass along "this" ?
- 2009.oct.15 How can I do a C-like #include in javaScript?
- 2023.jan.13 javaScript: declare an integer
- 2011.feb.09 How can I tell if a popup Window is alive ?
- 2008.jul.04 Do you use any javaScript libraries?
- 2022.jul.20 javaScript: log a FormData object
- 2012.feb.23 Is there javaScript for command-line Linux?
- 2019.oct.31 javaScript: On-the-fly style
- 2009.dec.22 javaScript: parse JSON in any browser
- 2016.jul.28 javaScript: an easy and reliable to parse a URL
- 2009.nov.09 javaScript: programmatically submit an HTML form
- 2014.oct.14 javaScript: make a random boolean value
- 2018.dec.15 javaScript: receive image with Ajax
- 2009.jul.01 How can I search for a string in another string?
- 2021.jan.08 javaScript: serialize a FormData object
- 2020.apr.09 javaScript: easily set/get Cookies
- 2007.dec.21 How do I make a simple slideshow in javaScript?
- 2010.jul.21 Is there an sprintf() for javaScript?
- 2015.feb.11 How can I use String.startsWith() in javaScript?
- 2019.sep.13 JavaScript: String to/from hex
- 2008.mar.13 What javaScript events are fired for a textarea?
- 2022.dec.21 jQuery: get upload filename
- 2024.mar.19 javaScript: validate a URL
- 2017.nov.17 In javaScript when should I use `new Array()` ?
- 2016.apr.23 Why isn't a['length'] giving me what I expect?
- 2015.jan.24 Jetty: How can I do websockets with Jetty8?
- 2018.jun.29 Jetty: how can I add a .jar to my project?
- 2020.feb.06 Java Servlet: getCookies() giving empty list
- 2019.aug.27 Jetty: after an upgrade multipart isn't working
- 2021.sep.14 Jetty: set temporary directory
- 2014.dec.22 Jetty: How can I set the URI for my app?
- 2024.mar.08 jQuery: access the DOM in parent of an iframe
- 2009.apr.01 jQuery: How do *you* add a jQuery event
- 2017.sep.25 jQuery: do AJAX
- 2022.jul.20 jQuery: post FormData with $.ajax()
- 2020.jun.05 jQuery: append to the current document
- 2024.dec.12 jQuery: append a populated row to a table
- 2014.jan.17 jQuery: a simple asynchronous AJAX get
- 2011.sep.18 jQuery: do a blocking AJAX get
- 2013.sep.20 jQuery: check if something exists
- 2024.mar.23 jQuery: handle an event in a javaScript class
- 2017.nov.17 jQuery: how can I clone an object?
- 2019.sep.16 jQuery: Copy options from one select to another
- 2009.apr.21 jQuery: use datepicker plugin
- 2010.sep.29 jQuery: capture the output from a form
- 2010.jun.30 jQuery: disable/enable a button
- 2022.sep.16 jQuery: do something when an image is loaded
- 2016.aug.10 jQwuery: find all href's in a page
- 2014.jan.24 jQuery: find out what kind of tag something is.
- 2016.dec.19 jQuery: get all values in a multiple select
- 2023.oct.17 jQuery: how to get anything from an HTML element
- 2018.sep.04 jQuery: obj.css('padding') isn't working.
- 2020.apr.17 jQuery: get first child
- 2024.feb.10 jQuery: get id of the parent frame
- 2019.sep.21 jQuery: get first and second instance
- 2018.jul.05 jQuery: get html select options as an array
- 2016.feb.03 jQuery: get the value of a checkbox
- 2009.dec.18 jQuery: I highlight (briefly glow a box)
- 2009.apr.02 jQuery: Where should I initialize my stuff?
- 2009.dec.13 jQuery: insert/inject html into a page
- 2017.may.12 jQuery: see if an object is checked
- 2017.nov.14 jQuery: convert an object into a query string?
- 2010.jul.22 jQuery: parse XML
- 2012.jul.04 jQuery: preload an image
- 2019.sep.09 jQuery: enable, disable, readonly
- 2021.jan.29 jQuery: react to a value change
- 2014.nov.23 jQuery: reliably get some JSON from a server
- 2022.jul.21 jQuery: replace everything in a webpage
- 2011.feb.03 jQuery: select an element by name (not id)
- 2018.nov.15 jQuery: detect touch events
- 2017.dec.21 jQuery: upload a file
- 2018.jun.08 jQuery: when to use prop() vs attr()
- 2019.oct.28 jQueryUI: Example modal dialog
- 2016.nov.28 How can I dynamically load a jquery.ui plugin?
- 2019.jul.23 jQueryUI: Listen for close of modal dialog
- 2020.jul.17 Minimal web component
- 2003.oct.26 javaScript: validate syntax and functionality
- 2020.mar.22 Alternatives to JSON for config files
- 2024.mar.07 Konva: constrain where a user can drag a shape
- 2018.apr.05 Konva: keep some of my own data in a Konva shape
- 2015.jun.26 How can I fix this linker error:
- 2013.aug.29 What packages do I need to compile libcdr?
- 2010.apr.15 How can I check if a recurrence is empty?
- 2010.may.17 How does libical allocate memory? Who owns it?
- 2019.jul.06 What license should I use for my project
- 2012.apr.25 Can I find a list of all English words?
- 2019.jan.26 Linux: DNS lookup
- 2019.jul.07 Linux: check if a filesystem is mounted
- 2020.apr.11 gcc: compile application for 32-bit
- 2013.nov.27 How do I make a systemd service?
- 2021.apr.30 Extract lines from a text file
- 2024.sep.18 Linux: programmatically follow a symlink
- 2008.dec.29 Linux: check if given process is alive
- 2019.feb.04 Linux: portable script
- 2020.apr.07 Linux: Quick scan of a mailbox file
- 2012.mar.22 How can I send mail from a bash script?
- 2015.may.18 Signals are messy. Can I avoid them?
- 2018.oct.15 Linux: stack trace of any running process
- 2016.mar.03 Why can't jps find my long-running Java process?
- 2009.aug.04 How can I load jQuery faster?
- 2013.feb.27 How can I include math symbols in my program?
- 2023.jan.19 MFC: AfxGetThread() returning NULL (solved)
- 2008.sep.07 MFC: How do I make bitmap buttons with MFC?
- 2013.sep.05 MFC: How can I check if a URL is valid?
- 2023.jul.31 MFC: Convert a CString password into stars
- 2018.dec.05 MFC: Iterate thru a CStringArray
- 2018.dec.13 MFC: download a web page
- 2009.may.12 MFC: Make a hidden window
- 2008.jan.21 MFC: How do I iterate through a CMap ?
- 2021.may.26 CInternetSession: use proxy set in Control Panel
- 2021.nov.16 MFC: Debug Assertion Failed map_pp.cpp Line 159
- 2014.jul.22 MFC: Send a custom message to myself using MFC ?
- 2012.apr.05 MFC: Use CString's Format to create a string
- 2008.sep.08 MFC: How do I add tooltips to a regular button?
- 2008.sep.11 MFC: Transparent buttons in my MFC application?
- 2022.oct.28 MSVC: Control build verbosity
- 2023.oct.25 LNK1281: Unable to generate SAFESEH image
- 2024.dec.19 MSVC: When std::unordered_map can be used
- 2016.oct.10 How can I do: If (key exists) update else insert
- 2008.jan.14 What's the nicest way to do a MYSQL INSERT?
- 2009.jun.15 How do I open a new plain text page?
- 2009.oct.28 What's a nice way to embed jQuery in perl?
- 2020.mar.22 Nodejs: hello world
- 2021.may.18 Use CString class in non-MFC project
- 2010.may.03 How can I do an assembler-like NOOP in C/C++ ?
- 2014.nov.11 How do I append an element to a perl array?
- 2011.aug.29 Perl: How do I prepend/append
- 2012.may.18 How do I break up a string into lines in perl?
- 2012.mar.20 Perl: How can I do a case-insensitive sort?
- 2010.feb.11 How do I get a hash of the perl CGI variables?
- 2011.aug.25 How can I quickly convert an array to a hash?
- 2008.jun.19 How do I know what went wrong with my SQL query?
- 2017.oct.16 How can I decode UTF-8 characters with perl?
- 2010.feb.11 How do I delete an element from a perl array?
- 2011.jun.15 perl: How do I detect a mobile browser
- 2018.nov.06 Perl: dirname() and basename()
- 2010.nov.15 How can I stop warnings about deprecated stuff?
- 2010.may.20 Where is the time is going in my perl script?
- 2012.mar.18 perl: an easy way to display the time
- 2017.jun.15 How can I extract the first word in a string?
- 2023.mar.10 Perl: get the size of a file
- 2014.nov.11 perl: flatten an array
- 2016.feb.28 How can I get the current year in perl?
- 2023.mar.10 Perl: get the extension of a filename
- 2011.aug.10 How do I insert an element into a perl array?
- 2008.apr.19 How do I check if a string is in a perl array?
- 2020.apr.28 Perl CGI: is this a secure connection (ie https)
- 2009.may.13 Perl: the best way to read a directory/folder
- 2011.jul.07 perl: I remove the HTML in a string
- 2010.sep.29 Do I aways need the semicolon in Perl?
- 2014.jul.08 Perl: Is there a shorthand for a non-match?
- 2009.dec.27 perl: How can I shuffle (randomize) an array
- 2011.aug.03 Any obscure operators in perl 5?
- 2007.nov.01 Can I get some help moving from perl to php?
- 2009.nov.26 PHP: append a element to the end of a PHP array
- 2017.nov.25 PHP: How can I get the current date as a string?
- 2007.nov.19 PHP: delete an element from a PHP array
- 2011.jan.20 PHP: get the current year with php
- 2018.sep.06 PHP: get file extension
- 2009.nov.30 PHP: get the last character of a string with php
- 2016.nov.26 PHP: get my URL in php
- 2017.oct.14 PHP: get the scheme of the current script
- 2014.nov.25 PHP: get the name of the local time zone in php
- 2011.jul.15 PHP: How do global variables work in PHP?
- 2020.may.01 PHP: see if this a secure connection (ie https)
- 2010.apr.20 PHP: check if a character is uppercase in php
- 2018.jun.01 PHP: load a file into a string
- 2017.oct.03 PHP: do math with really big numbers in PHP
- 2009.may.22 PHP: find the name of the current script
- 2010.mar.28 PHP: Where is PHP's preg_replace_all?
- 2008.nov.05 PHP: get the URL of the calling page
- 2017.sep.30 PHP: remove accents from a string in php
- 2018.sep.13 PHP: remove a file's extension
- 2017.sep.15 PHP: split a UTF-8 string into characters
- 2018.sep.27 PHP: startsWith() and endsWith()
- 2017.apr.27 PHP: is there a strict mode for php
- 2016.feb.01 PHP: Which php syntax highlighter should I use?
- 2020.nov.14 PHP: time a function in milliseconds
- 2010.mar.28 PHP: make a string title case in PHP
- 2018.sep.27 PHP: convert a string to title case
- 2010.mar.27 PHP: do a `wget` in php
- 2011.jul.26 Postgresql: make count faster
- 2018.may.24 Powershell hello world
- 2018.aug.30 How to printf() size_t ?
- 2015.sep.23 How can I pass an enum by value to a thread?
- 2010.apr.28 Why isn't my putenv() working?
- 2020.jul.11 Python: check if a file exists
- 2020.jul.25 QT: QString to char *
- 2014.may.29 How can I quickly run findbugs on Fedora?
- 2015.jul.20 How can I read multiple sockets from one thread?
- 2012.may.15 How can my app reboot the device?
- 2007.nov.28 How would you replace $variables in some text?
- 2013.may.07 How can a 64bit program use a 32bit DLL?
- 2013.apr.17 How can I run Jetty8 as a Windows service?
- 2013.may.14 How do I declare a function that returns nothing
- 2014.oct.01 How can get the keys of a Map sorted?
- 2013.aug.27 How can I break out of a loop?
- 2013.may.22 How can I iterate through an ArrayList in Scala?
- 2012.nov.22 Scala: write to a file with Scala
- 2013.nov.11 Why is my application crashing with this error?
- 2012.nov.30 Scala: have a method return two things
- 2012.dec.16 Scala: sort the keys of a Map
- 2013.jan.04 What does a "return" in a "match" do?
- 2014.apr.06 How can I get a unique session id ?
- 2016.oct.18 How can I fix "setTimer() is not defined" ?
- 2017.nov.24 How can I simulate a slow internet connection?
- 2016.apr.19 How can I sort my source files by lines of code?
- 2010.jan.24 Where can I find some example source code?
- 2019.oct.18 javaScript: stop execution
- 1997.dec.23 What's your best C/C++ tip?
- 2011.jun.20 How do I open the web browser in Visual Studio?
- 2008.oct.01 How can I make my STL list faster?
- 2006.jan.10 What's the best way to insert into an STL map?
- 2009.oct.21 How can I rename a std::map key?
- 2008.oct.01 What's up with sorting in STL?
- 2017.aug.24 How do I prepend to a std::vector ?
- 2010.nov.10 How do I use Subversion in Eclipse?
- 2009.jun.06 How can I check the syntax of my perl script?
- 2006.sep.30 Linux: What's the format of a tar file?
- 2016.may.16 Do names of things matter?
- 2013.oct.09 How I can I stop IE from saying/doing:
- 2015.jun.04 C/C++: How can I use #ifdef to comment out code?
- 2010.mar.23 How do I deal with time_t in an _snprintf() ?
- 2019.apr.24 Missing v140
- 2024.jun.06 Visual Studio: Reduce disk space used
- 2023.may.31 Microsoft Visual Studio: close all files
- 2019.apr.25 Visual Studio: How can I run nmake?
- 2018.dec.11 Visual Studio 2005: Embed webbrowser in dialog
- 2023.aug.19 Web: embedable components to make user avatars
- 2020.oct.14 Web: change cursor (pointer icon) when dragging
- 2020.aug.22 Source map error request failed with status 404
- 2023.oct.31 Web: Is a web feature ready to be used
- 2020.nov.19 Web: make a TABLE using DIV only
- 2014.jan.25 Web: vertically center without table
- 2018.nov.23 Website framework
- 2011.apr.12 Where is _sntprintf(...) defined?
- 2014.sep.19 Which is faster pre- or post- increment?
- 2010.apr.23 How can I make a basic Windows beep?
- 2010.may.13 Win32: check if a process is running
- 2022.nov.02 Win32: Check if a file exists
- 2018.apr.27 Win32: disable user typing in a ComboBox
- 2016.mar.01 How can I read/write from the console?
- 2018.apr.27 Win32: convert from UTC/GMT to local time
- 2010.may.10 Win32: How to use CreateNamedPipe()
- 2008.jul.03 How do I disable a Window's close button?
- 2011.jul.29 Windows: see what DLLs my program uses
- 2019.jan.18 Win32: easy status control
- 2009.apr.09 How do I enable/disable a button in a toolbar?
- 2009.may.04 Win32: Cleanly end my Windows program
- 2023.nov.02 Win32: Is a control a button or other type
- 2022.oct.08 Win32: find fastest drive (RAM disk)
- 2008.jul.17 How can I flash a Window to indicate an error?
- 2012.jul.25 How can I get the name of the current DLL?
- 2008.jun.10 How do I get the name of the current program?
- 2020.may.28 Win32: get the program filename (exe)
- 2021.jul.20 Win32: get proxy server from registry
- 2008.jan.19 How can I get the thread id of a given HWND ?
- 1997.dec.17 Win32: How can I tell if a thread has stopped?
- 2021.feb.12 Win32: hide an embedded web browser
- 2010.may.17 How can I hide a checkbox in a TreeView ?
- 2008.jul.07 Win32: how to programmatically resize a window
- 2010.apr.30 How do I use CreateProcess() ?
- 2023.mar.02 Win32: 'inet_ntop()': identifier not found
- 1999.dec.31 Win32: check if a HWND is a dialog window
- 2022.nov.24 Windows: Exception 0x0000013 Invalid Parameters
- 2009.jul.16 How can I see if a path is a folder ?
- 2024.nov.21 Win32: check if a HWND is a popup window
- 2015.aug.25 Win32: tell when a user clicks outside my dialog
- 2023.nov.02 Win32: Load a resource with a URL
- 2008.jul.09 Win32: make a multicolumn listbox
- 2014.apr.22 Win32: use a C++ for a dialog when NOT using MFC
- 2008.jul.15 How can I play a .WAV file in Windows?
- 2015.dec.08 Win32: printf a DWORD
- 2008.jan.18 How do I programmatically reboot Windows?
- 2012.may.16 Win32: Quickly read an ini file
- 2008.may.27 How do I read a section of an .ini file?
- 2023.jun.08 Win32: Replace SHGetMalloc()
- 2019.jun.26 Win32: run a command and wait for the result
- 2012.jul.31 Win32: nice way to select the date in a dialog
- 2012.jul.31 Win32: nice way to select the time in a dialog
- 2023.jan.18 Win32: Use spawnv() to easily run a process
- 2008.jun.13 How do I time something (like a function)?
- 2022.jun.18 Win32: C/C++ convert a string to title case
- 2008.sep.11 How do I get transparent icons in a toolbar?
- 2009.may.31 MFC: What messages are sent to my MFC control?
- 2013.jun.11 Why isn't my multiline edit control working?
- 2009.aug.28 What are some good Windows developer sites?
- 2010.apr.27 MSVC++: Flat look dialogs / embed a manifest
- 2022.apr.16 Win32: Here's a gmtime_r() for Windows
- 2015.oct.27 What should I set an invalid HWND to?
- 2022.apr.18 Windows: S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR()
- 2019.apr.23 Windows: list the .EXE of all services
- 2013.jan.02 Win32: using min() / max() macros
- 2021.dec.02 Windows: MD5 class using native crypto library
- 2011.jun.20 How can I program TCP/IP security on Windows?
- 2015.oct.21 win32 and MFC: see if a checkbox is checked
- 2017.apr.27 C/C++ on Win32: show/hide a windows control
- 2016.apr.23 How can I have timer without a thread?
- 2015.dec.09 MFC: Use a CListBox as a visual log
- 2017.jan.27 Where is MC.EXE (The Message Compiler)
- 2008.apr.10 Windows: Get info on the WMI database
- 2018.mar.01 winsock2.h: Multiple declaration for 'fd_set'
- 2010.feb.01 Windows Template Library (WTL): present a dialog