Programming Tips - How do I make a simple slideshow in javaScript?

Date: 2007dec21 Language: javaScript Warning: This is now a bit old fashioned Q. How do I make a simple slideshow in javaScript? A. You can are running Apache, perl and Firefox on your laptop (as I am) save these three files in the folder where the files are. I have run this on a Windows XP machine. Please note: this is *not* intended to be played over the internet but where the server and client are on the same box. ---- file index.cgi -----------------------------------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; sub getImages($) { my($dir) = @_; local(*DIR); my(@files); if (!opendir(DIR, $dir)) { return (); } @files = grep(!/^(\.|\.\.)$/, readdir(DIR))); @files = sort(grep(/\.jpg$/i, @files)); closedir(DIR); return @files; } sub main() { my(@files, $file, $is_first); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<link rel=stylesheet href=player.css type=text/css>\n"; print "<script>\n"; print "let gaFile = new Array(\n"; @files = getImages('.'); $is_first = 1; for $file (@files) { if (!$is_first) { print ","; } $is_first = 0; print "\'$file\'"; } print ");\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "<script src=player.js></script>\n"; print "<body onLoad=\"player()\"><center><img id=the_image></center><img id=preload style='display:none'></body>"; } main();
---- file player.js ----------------------------------------------------------
'use strict'; let giCurrent = -1; let gaImg = new Array; function getDim(file) { let img, growth, width, height; let win_width, win_height; win_width = window.innerWidth; win_height = window.innerHeight; img = document.getElementById('preload'); img.src = file; width = win_width; growth = win_width / img.width; height = growth * img.height; if (height > win_width) { height = win_height; growth = win_height / img.height; width = growth * img.width; } width = Math.floor(width); height = Math.floor(height); return new Array(width, height); } function showNext() { let file, dim, width, height, obj; giCurrent++; if (giCurrent == gaFile.length) { giCurrent = 0; } file = gaFile[giCurrent]; dim = getDim(file); width = dim[0]; height = dim[1]; obj = document.getElementById('the_image'); obj.src = file; = width; = height; setTimeout('showNext()', 5000); } function preloadAll() { let i, img; for (i = 0; i < gaFile.length; i++) { img = new Image; img.src = gaFile[i]; gaImg.push(img); } } function player() { preloadAll(); showNext(); }
---- file player.css ---------------------------------------------------------
* { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } body { background-color: black; }