Programming Tips - jQuery: convert from a jQuery object to/from a native javaScript array?

Date: 2010jul30 Language: javaScript Q. jQuery: convert from a jQuery object to/from a native javaScript array? A. Converting from a jQuery object to a native javaScript array ------------------------------------------------------------ You may not even need to do this. You can use a jQuery object much like an array. For example:
obj = $('p'); // Get all paragraphs into a jQuery object for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { // Do something with obj[i] }
As you can see, jQuery objects have .length and []. But, .pop() and .reverse() are missing. And you may want to pass the array to a function that expects a native array. So do this:
obj = $('p'); // Get all paragraphs a = $.makeArray(obj); // One way to do it a = obj.toArray(); // The other way
More info: Converting from a native javaScript array to a jQuery object ------------------------------------------------------------ Just use the jQuery() function. For example:
var a, obj; // Make a regular javaScript array a = new Array(); a.push('one'); a.push('two'); a.push('three'); obj = jQuery(a); // Now you have a jQuery object