Date: 1997dec17
Update: 2018dec22
Platform: win32
Language: C/C++
Keywords: stop, halt, alive, dead
Q. Win32: How can I tell if a thread has stopped?
A. If you have the thread's handle you can do this:
BOOL IsThreadActive(const HANDLE hThread)
if (hThread == NULL) return FALSE;
return WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0;
// Another way
BOOL IsThreadActive2(const HANDLE hThread)
if (hThread == NULL) return FALSE;
DWORD dwCode = 0;
(void) ::GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwCode);
return (dwCode == STILL_ACTIVE);
// STILL_ACTIVE is 259 so the thread
// had better not use that as an exit code!