Search - course
- 2024.may.18 Computer - A script to check systemd-resolved
- 2023.jun.28 Computer - Windows: boot into BIOS
- 2023.mar.16 Computer - Systemd: switch to text mode
- 2021.dec.17 Programming - Java: How to represent money
- 2021.nov.15 Computer - Linux: lock down Apache webserver
- 2021.oct.18 Computer - Linux: Deny all crontab access
- 2021.may.09 Tech Opinion - Seminal RFCs
- 2020.nov.18 Computer - Windows: always run as Administrator
- 2020.jul.28 Travel - What's on your travel laptop
- 2020.jul.08 Programming - clang-format: how to run it
- 2020.jun.18 Programming - Android: full screen dialog
- 2019.dec.10 Programming - Java: read and parse a CSV file
- 2019.dec.04 Computer - Apache: Make the autoindex pretty
- 2019.feb.02 Computer - OpenVPN client setup on Windows
- 2019.jan.18 Programming - Win32: easy status control
- 2018.feb.19 Travel - Puerto Escondido to Oaxaca City
- 2016.may.16 Programming - Do names of things matter?
- 2013.oct.21 Tech Opinion - What happened in 1977?
- 2012.may.23 Programming - Java: Write an ispunct() in Java
- 2012.mar.23 Computer - What is IP-address ?
- 2011.mar.15 Computer - How can I search info about a person?
- 2011.mar.03 Computer - Which Android phone should I buy?
- 2010.jun.08 Computer - Linux: Cancel a reboot request!
- 2009.oct.13 Programming - What has changed in Windows Vista?
- 2009.mar.22 Computer - How can I save some diskspace?
- 2007.dec.20 Computer - Linux: The two letter Linux commands
- 1997.dec.23 Programming - What's your best C/C++ tip?
- 1996.oct.01 Computer - Old - Any alternatives to .com?