Search - Android
- 2023.may.01 Programming - Android upgrade to API 31 issues.
- 2022.oct.20 Programming - Android Studio: Run 'app' disabled
- 2021.mar.17 Programming - Android: get running processes
- 2020.sep.12 Programming - Android: display a notification
- 2020.jun.18 Programming - Android: full screen dialog
- 2020.may.12 Computer - Android: disable auto-capitalization
- 2019.dec.04 Computer - Apache: Make the autoindex pretty
- 2019.may.30 Programming - How can I verify a apk
- 2019.apr.26 Programming - Android: what installed my app?
- 2019.jan.09 Computer - Android: delete "undeletable" apps
- 2018.nov.23 Programming - Cross platform phone GUI framework
- 2018.nov.17 Programming - ListView is depreciated
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- 2018.aug.14 Programming - fill_parent vs. match_parent
- 2018.aug.09 Programming - Android: MediaPlayer vs ExoPlayer
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- 2018.jul.13 Programming - Android: UI for a dynamic list?
- 2018.apr.23 Programming - FILL_PARENT is depreciated?
- 2017.mar.08 Programming - How can I center two views?
- 2017.feb.23 Computer - How can I enter Developer Mode?
- 2017.feb.21 Programming - How can I find the second sdcard?
- 2016.oct.19 Computer - Where is the menu button?
- 2016.aug.22 Programming - How do I write to the SD card?
- 2015.oct.03 Computer - Why doesn't alogcat work any more?
- 2015.jul.27 Programming - How do I use the Android NDK?
- 2015.mar.09 Programming - How can I use adb over Ethernet?
- 2014.jul.07 Programming - What is the minimal ExoPlayer use?
- 2014.mar.11 Programming - What can't my app read files?
- 2013.mar.04 Computer - How can I add up a bunch of times?
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- 2012.feb.21 Tech Opinion - iPod Touch Issues?
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